dream zones hormones undertones fish bones (2022)

A dreamlike email exchange between a young trans girl and a foremother in different Atlantic regions at the turn of the millennium.

This sound work was written and composed during an artist residency at Struts Gallery in Sackville, NB within the Sikniktuk district of Mi'kma'ki. Thank you to the team at Struts and to ArtsNL for supporting and fostering its creation.

queer and trans archives in waves (2019)

sound installation from the collaborative exhibition a hole so big it became the sky with Coco Guzmán and 2SLGBTQIA+ community members

diasporas: othering m/e (2017)

sounds from my st. john’s-based creative project ritual frames — more alive than earlier work, these songs were recorded between mid-2014 & early 2017 and can be taken as fragments of surviving as a young trans woman at the north atlantic margins

nidificating (2011)

under the moniker fo//ic/e, this experimental album was recorded in my bedroom between mid-2010 & mid-2011. using found sounds and samples, spectral synthscapes, and distorted vocals, it offers melancholic dreams about trans embodiment, ghosts, sexuality, and ecological loss in rural newfoundland